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Centralized Chip Conveyors , Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Centralized Chip Conveyors

Centralized Chip Conveyors

Centralized Chip Conveyors

The centralized conveyor uses a system to transport chips from more than one machine to a single collection centre. Opting for a centralized conveyor system allows easy handling and transportation of chips from machine tools to a single collection centre. Thanks to its automated feature, the centralized conveyor can run continuously without any supervision, allowing manufacturing operators to focus on the core-production of the company.

This is a convenient system that would help save shop floor space. This conveyor can be set up anywhere inside or outside the shop, providing options for easy and efficient scrap management.

Centralized Chip Handling Systems
• Transport chips generated from group of machines
• Helps to keep facility clean by avoiding scrap movements
• Chip management at one stop
• Cost effective solution Handles different type of chips
• Reduces storage space and transportation costs
• High recovery of chips
• Efficient coolant extraction

Advantages :
• Easy and systematic scrap management
• Low maintenance and no supervision required
• Cleaner shop
• Viable option for large facilities
• Different material chips (cast iron, aluminium, steel) can be processed

Applications :

• Most applications listed on the conveyor type applies to centralized system, as they are mainly used to handle chips generated from a group of machines.

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